Everyday struggle - Gender Equal Working Conditions for Females in Cambodia?

  • Nina Weimann-Sandig University of Apllied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing, Dresden, Germany
Keywords: gender inequality, gender and labor market, reconciliation of work and family, qualitative social research


Compared to other East Asian countries, Cambodia has relatively high female labor force participation rates. More than 75 percent of women are working, compared to the regional average of 60% (World Bank 2018). However, the educational background of many people, especially females coming from rural areas, is still poor in Cambodia, Therefore, the garment industry and the construction sector offer low-threshold job possibilities for less educated females in order to gain a stable income. Whereas the garment industry is defined as dominated by females, the construction sector is still characterized as typical male sector. The study aims to ask to what extend less educated females, coming from poor areas of Cambodia can enjoy and benefit from their work lives. In addition, gender stereotypes and gender inequality concerning the female workforce in garment and construction are presented. As previous research has focused on quantitative analysis, this study tried to explore perceptions of females working in the garment and construction sector by using the qualitative method of focus group discussions.


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How to Cite
Weimann-Sandig, N. (2021) “Everyday struggle - Gender Equal Working Conditions for Females in Cambodia?”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 6(1), pp. 245 - 254. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v6i1.587.