Unpacking the Realities of Digital Leadership Among School Leaders: A Quantitative Study
In the age of globalization, technology has emerged as a pervasive force reshaping various sectors, including education and organizational management. However, despite its transformative potential, the effective implementation of digital leadership remains a challenge. This study aims to investigate the current level of digital leadership among school leaders in Perak. A quantitative approach was used with an adapted questionnaire. A total of 97 primary teachers were selected randomly and involved in this study. The findings revealed that the overall level of digital leadership among school leaders is high, indicating great potential for integrating digital technology into teaching methods and administrative processes. This suggests the importance of investing in developing digital leadership skills among school leaders to encourage ongoing innovation in education. It also highlights the need for further exploration of digital leadership strategies for school leaders. In conclusion, this study offers practical insights for improving teaching practices and organizational management in the digital era, aiming to drive positive change and innovation in Perak's schools.
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