Instructional Support, Peer Support, Technical Support, and E-learning Experience: The Mediating Effect of Learning Motivation

  • Nurhamiza Mumin Labuan Faculty of International Finance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 87000 Labuan F.T., Malaysia.
  • Rini Suryati Sulong Labuan Faculty of International Finance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 87000 Labuan F.T., Malaysia.
Keywords: E-learning, Instructional support, Peer support, Technical support, Learning motivation


A series of total lockdowns due to the latest pandemic has changed the entire landscape of the education system worldwide. Online learning became the lifeline to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning amid and beyond the pandemic. It plays a vital role in addition to the existing educational setting. This study aims to investigate the relationship between instructional support, peer support, technical support, and e-learning experience. The mediating effect of learning motivation on instructional, peer, and technical support was also examined. The data was collected from 191 respondents using an online survey. A mediation analysis was conducted to examine the mediating effects of learning motivation on instructional support, peer support, technical support, and e-learning. It was found that peer support has a stronger relationship with e-learning experience, followed by instructional support and technical support. The results also found learning motivation as an important element for a meaningful e-learning experience among students. Therefore, instructors, education institutions, and students should work together for a more engaging and meaningful e-learning experience. The incorporation of necessary technologies, course design, strategies, appropriate attitude, and learning motivation are crucial for the success of e-learning.


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How to Cite
Mumin, N. and Sulong, R. S. (2023) “Instructional Support, Peer Support, Technical Support, and E-learning Experience: The Mediating Effect of Learning Motivation”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 8(12), p. e002619. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v8i12.2619.