Communicating Movement Control Order during Covid-19: A Framing Analysis of News Portal and Instagram
Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented in Malaysia on March 18, 2020, to contain the spread of Covid-19. The mass media has played a great role in communicating the new restrictions and orders that regulated many public activities. All relevant channels including social media were employed by the mass media to ensure everyone was aware of the new norms. This study chooses Berita Harian, a Malay language newspaper, and examines its news portal and Instagram posts to explore the communication of standard operating procedure (SOPs) messages related to MCO as issued by the National Security Council (NSC) of Malaysia. Quantitative content analysis was used to explore the portrayal of SOPs using message styles and interactive elements. Initial results revealed that Berita Harian’s news portal still placed great importance on the text and non-narrative elements accompanied by photos to educate and influence the public about the rules related to SOPs. While on Instagram, videos were used dominantly that are visually more attractive, engaging, and narrative in nature. The study argued that the discussion of framing can be extended by emphasising interactive elements as the aspects of coverage that can contribute to the way an issue is framed. In conclusion, Instagram should be regarded as an important platform for media to reach out to more incidental users in communication messages related to Covid-19 MCO.
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