Factors Influencing Teachers’ Engagement in Continuous Professional Development (CPD): A Case Study
Teachers in modern education face significant work challenges and must commit to continuous learning. Disruptive technological advancements require teachers to be digitally nimble and adaptive to constant changes. Educational institutions and schools must provide teachers with relevant resources for continuing professional development (CPD). Numerous past studies have shown that CPD is related to improved teaching practices and student learning outcomes. However, the success of CPD programs lies in teachers' engagement in the process. This case study explores the types of CPD activities available and investigates the factors influencing a Malaysian teacher's engagement in CPD. Malaysian teachers can access various CPD activities, including workshops, seminars, reading, and informal conversations with colleagues. The study also found that contextual and personal factors contribute to teachers' decision to participate in CPD activities. Contextual factors include available CPD opportunities, administrative and collegial support, and barriers to participation. Personal factors include teachers' preferences in learning approaches and their interest in particular topics. The features of CPD activities will affect teachers' perceptions of CPD and influence their engagement levels. These findings suggest redesigning CPD activities that promote a favourable perception of CPD and encourage engagement.
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