Short Bursts, Big Impact: Exploring Microlearning’s Potential in Malaysian Higher Education
The rapid transformation of Malaysian higher education, prompted by technological advancements and evolving job market demands, highlights the critical need for institutions to adopt microlearning approaches. These microlearning approaches align with the country's Education Blueprint 2015-2025, emphasising lifelong learning and the acquisition of industry-relevant skills. Developing credentials that are outcome-based, personalised, on-demand, secure, and transparent is crucial for ensuring education remains relevant and responsive to both learner and employer needs. This study employed a systematic literature review, adhering to PRISMA guidelines, to identify best practices in developing and implementing microlearning strategies within Malaysian higher education institutions. The review revealed that effective microlearning strategies are characterised by their ability to break down complex subjects into manageable chunks, combat cognitive overload, and enhance knowledge retention. This paper concludes that for Malaysian higher education to remain competitive and adaptable, a strategic emphasis on microlearning is imperative. These strategies not only cater to the dynamic needs of the job market but also align with the lifelong learning objectives outlined in the national education blueprint, thereby preparing graduates for successful careers in the 21st century.
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