Unravelling The Nexus: Social Environment and Peer Influence in Drug Abuse in Lawas, Sarawak

  • Siti Shafina Bahar Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), 94300, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Mohammad Suhaidi Salleh Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), 94300, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Keywords: Sarawak, Social Environment, Peer Influence, Social Learning Theories, Drug Abuse


The rising issue of drug abuse in Sarawak, demands urgent attention as the problem shows no signs of abating. The primary goal of this research is to investigate the most influential factor that contributes to the rise in drug abuse in Lawas and how it affects the selected individual social awareness. By delving into this dynamic, the study aims to enhance the comprehension of the issue and, consequently, develop more effective strategies to mitigate its consequences. The research employed qualitative methodology, with in-depth interviews as the primary data collection method. Six participants participated in the in-depth interviews and each referred to using pseudonyms. Participants 1 and 2 are presently enrolled in rehabilitation programs facilitated by the National Anti-Drug Agency (NADA/AADK) division in Limbang. Participants 3, 4, and 5 were selected from the families, relatives, and friends of former addicts. Participant 6 plays a pivotal role as an officer responsible for drug enforcement in Lawas. The study employed social learning theory to gain a comprehensive perspective on the subject matter. The data analysis revealed that the social environment functions as the macro factor, while susceptibility to peer influence serves as the micro factor in drug abuse cases in Lawas and there is a relationship between the factor and the selected individual social awareness. The findings from this research hold immense relevance for a wide spectrum of stakeholders, with a particular emphasis on community and societal development, in addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by drug abuse issues in Lawas, Sarawak.


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How to Cite
Bahar, S. and Salleh, M. S. (2024) “Unravelling The Nexus: Social Environment and Peer Influence in Drug Abuse in Lawas, Sarawak”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 9(8), p. e002916. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v9i8.2916.