Exploring the Emotional Resonance of Folk Cloth Art Products among Youth in Jinnan, China
Jinnan’s folk cloth art products (JFCAPs) reflect local customs and aesthetics. In the long years of development, they have united the working people's aspirations for a better life, and have the spiritual symbols of driving away disasters and evil spirits, and auspiciousness and good fortune. However, with the modernization of society and the deepening of cultural exchanges, the aesthetics and consumption habits of modern youth have changed greatly, they prefer fashionable and personalized products, and their attention to traditional cloth art products has declined. This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of youth's emotional needs for JFCAPs and analyze their motivations. We collected data on youth's perceptions of, interest in, and use of JFCAPs through in-depth interviews. The study found that Chinese Youth showed emotional resonance themes of memory resonance, aesthetic experience, and cultural identity towards JFCAPs. These products play an important role in passing on cultural traditions, strengthening social ties, and conveying emotions. The results of this study contribute to cultural preservation and the promotion of traditional handicrafts, as well as providing new perspectives for the study of emotional design and cultural identity.
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