An Analysis of Performance Appraisal in China from The Perspectives of Scholars
The importance of performance appraisal is widely acknowledged, and its implementation varies from country to country. China's performance evaluation is conducted once a year, and a new version of the civil service evaluation system will be developed in 2020. This study examines academic perspectives on performance appraisal in China, which often vary in approach, content, incentive structures, and outcomes. Due to the lack of accuracy and subjectivity, the concept of "unscientific indicator design" in China has been greatly criticized. Chinese civil servants must have a high ideological and political quality, strong working ability, maintain a good work style, outstanding work performance, and achieve excellent results in the annual assessment. These criteria have a wide range and have the potential to lead to unfair evaluations that can negatively impact employee motivation. Many experts put forward opinions and suggestions on improving the content of performance appraisal in China; The Dutch academics suggest a transparent and detailed workflow system for registering and measuring performance, while the Brazilian academics suggest that employee performance should be taken seriously during evaluation. This requires recognizing strengths and weaknesses, making suggestions for improvement, and identifying their career prospects based on the results of the performance review. This study mainly examines the scholars' views on the similarities and differences of performance evaluation. In addition, it assesses current concerns within the appraisal system. This data will provide the basis for the exploration and development of broader, more scientific and logical performance evaluation systems.
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