Intrinsic Factors Influencing Career Development among College Music Teachers in Establishment Stage from Fujian, China
In the career development, individuals show a stronger need on the professional advancement and are expected to make more definite career decisions in the establishment career stage. This study used semi-structure interview of qualitative study to investigate the intrinsic motivation influencing career development among three music teachers who were in the career stage of establishment from higher educational institutions in Fujian, China. The interview was modelled and the interview transcriptions were analysed and coded based on the theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The results indicated that higher education music teachers who sought for professional upgrading in the music industry in their establishment career stage will be intrinsically influenced by the needs of love and belonging in terms of the salient life roles (for example, son/daughter, spouse, and parent); the needs on esteem that boosting the career expectation toward receiving recognition from students, students’ parents, and music professionals; and the needs on self-actualization on music professionalism by enhancing music playing skills, mastering new music skills, and lifelong learning. The study offered a valuable knowledge to the field of music education, inform policy and practice, and ultimately empower music teachers to realize their full potential in nurturing the next generation of musicians and scholars.
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