How Satisfaction Disabled People Engaging in Tourism Activities? A Case Study of Disability Tourism in Kuala Lumpur City
Accessible tourism is considered new-partially conceptual that being implemented in the tourism industry. This study carry out to investigate and to determine disabled people in engage with the tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur City. This study uses qualitative of face-to-face interview and quantitative of questionnaire survey. Five domains had been set for interview purposes, while questionnaire survey involved with two main parts, namely demographic profile and the experienced of disabled people in expose to tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur city. This questionnaire uses Thurstone scale and Likert scale. Complete collection data will be input using SPSS v.23 for analysis. The result indicates majority participants are positively agreed that infrastructure or services, as well as information map should be prepared in appropriated ways would increase the accessible tourism. The education also plays an important role that able to sustain the accessible tourism industry for longer term. Nevertheless, most of participants are partially disagreed in the facilities provided, which likely to refer to the public toilets and transportations, as well as hotels management that should serve specialty to disabled people. They do opinion that public facilities should be upgrade, as well as comment on the hotel staffs should undergo for training and behave friendlier attitude, which important to provide comfortable condition towards the disabled people. This study suggests disabled people have self-encouraged in engage with the tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur. At the same time, further study in exploratory, understandable, and predictable on accessible tourism are required, especially involved in the sub-urban and rural area that provide facilities and services for the tourism industry.
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