A Systematic Literature Review of Authentic Assessment in K-12 ESL/EFL Education
This research offers an extensive review and analysis of the use of authentic assessment in K-12 ESL/EFL education. The study follows the PRISMA 2020 statement guidelines for systematic literature reviews, investigating peer-reviewed articles from the SCOPUS, WOS, and ERIC databases (2013-2022). The samples comprised teachers, students, and K-12 education documents; non-eligible criteria were excluded. Out of numerous potential studies, 19 were deemed fitting for the review. The findings indicate growing research interest in authentic assessment, with one publication per year minimum since 2015, and notable contributions from Indonesia. Most of the studies (74%) adopted qualitative designs and utilized different authentic assessment types, such as role play, oral interviews, projects, and portfolios. Key factors affecting the implementation included teacher attributes (assessment literacy, language proficiency, support, time), student attributes (motivation, reflection, time, ability), resources (assessment tools, textbooks, guidebooks, teaching aids), and environmental aspects (class size). The review provides valuable insights for teachers aiming to apply suitable authentic assessment strategies and underlines the importance of considering these factors in lesson planning. It emphasizes the need for more research on teachers' assessment literacy and their experiences in employing authentic assessment in K-12 ESL/EFL education, which is currently an underexplored area.
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