Environmental Awareness and Public Participation: A Driving Force for Environmental Protection in Sierra Leone
Countries globally have enjoyed unprecedented economic growth in the present times, even though this economic growth has its consequence on the environment and public health. This development has seen the unrestricted cutting down of forests, waste generation, extinction of species, etc. Addressing these predicaments, the United Nations, at the global level, has urged States to develop and enforce environmental legislation, policies, and strategies. As a member of the United Nations, Sierra Leone has promulgated several environmental legislations and policies to address and regulate environmental matters. Besides developing these laws, Sierra Leone has historically witnessed massive environmental degradation, ranging from illegal and reckless cutting down of forests, waste generation, illegal dumping, and more. To this, add the extreme lack of awareness and education. Based on library research, this paper discusses the relevant environmental laws in Sierra Leone and other specific international laws and argues that despite the ongoing environmental degradation in Sierra Leone with the inadequacies in the legal framework, Environmental awareness and Public Participation will play a significant role in mitigating environmental degradation in Sierra Leone.
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