The Influence of Animal Welfare Act 2015 Enforcement on The Rise of Animal Cruelty Cases in Malaysia

  • Ain Maryam Zolkipli@Zulkifli Academic Department, Faculty of Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Jalan Sarjana 1/2, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
Keywords: Animal Welfare Act 2015, Animal cruelty, Law enforcement


Animal cruelty has been on the rise in Malaysia even after the implementation of the Animal Welfare Act 2015. The Act has been gazetted in December 2015 with harsher punishments to its offenders but there are lack of enforcements and prosecutions made under the Act up until today. The Act is under the purview of the Animal Welfare Board headed by the Department of Veterinary Services Malaysia (DVS). Many Non-Governmental Organizations for Animal Rights (NGOs) has spoken out against the lack of utilizing of the Act which leads to the rampant cases of animal cruelty in recent years. This paper will analyse the enforcement and prosecution brought under the Animal Welfare Act 2015 and its effects on the rise of animal cruelty in Malaysia.


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How to Cite
Zolkipli@Zulkifli, A. M. (2022) “The Influence of Animal Welfare Act 2015 Enforcement on The Rise of Animal Cruelty Cases in Malaysia”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(12), p. e001955. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v7i12.1955.