A Systematic Literature Review on the Implementation of E-Learning Platforms in the Covid-19 Pandemic
The covid-19 pandemic has escalated widely and gained attention among people throughout the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an enormous impact on the lives of many people all over the world. It significantly affects various dimensions such as the economy, society, tourism, and education of many nations. Online classes were found demandable as an alternative to institutional closure during this unprecedented time. The successful implementation of e-Learning systems depends on how the program is perceived by students and instructors. The current review aimed to identify the global picture of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and the perceptual difference among the world regarding online-based learning in the pandemic timeframe. 19 articles were selected for this review study. The findings of this review illustrated that although online teaching is one of the best possible ways to continue teaching and learning during the pandemic, student faces a lot of challenges in the use of online learning systems. The positive perception of students and lecturers has on the availability of strong technological infrastructure, adequate equipment, and professional training. The outcome of this review will help to improve the e-learning education policy such as a standard marking system, accessible internet network, and equipment for all students.
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