Internal Factors Affecting Export Performance of Textile Weaving Factories Pakistan: Literature Review
The Textile Industry of Pakistan is considered as life line of country’s economy. It accounts around 55% share of total economy. Major exports from textiles are yarns, raw and finished fabrics and also limited quantity of value added textile items. However from last one decade textile industry is facing lot of problems in terms of getting and maintaining export orders. Most of customers globally now giving preferences to other regional competitors. Due to this Pakistani Textile Industry losing its competitiveness day by day which resulted loss in millions of US Dollars per years. The raw woven fabric manufacturing sector that lies almost in middle of supply line having sharing of 8% in world exports. The performance of this value added product responsible also overall performance of sector. The literature review on internal factors specifically related to this sector still in gap which author tries to cover up. The literature review delineated accordingly with respect to internal factors such as product types, innovations, energy cost, inventory and green textile concepts which gives effect on export performance of weaving industry.
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