Implementation of Open and Distance Learning Programmes in Primary Teacher Education in Zimbabwe
The Department of Teacher Education (DTE), through its affiliate teacher training colleges has mandated the roll out of open and distance learning mode in its programmes. This preferred critical path is intended to assist trainees with the needed mental, emotional and material support during their period of Teaching Practice. This case study examined the implementation of Open Distance Learning (ODL) in a primary teacher education college in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. Mixed methods research approach was used in this study in which case study and survey techniques were employed to understand the way in which quality is assured in the provision of student support. The study used a random sample of 80 student teachers and 30 lecturers to obtain information for analysis and interpretation. 5 heads of departments were selected purposively to contribute to the study. The findings of the study were that most student teachers are deployed to rural-based schools with low access to the internet, making fruitful study a challenge. It was also established that the modules supplied to student teachers when going out to schools are of academic importance although their quality and selective coverage of the curriculum hamper intended academic growth. The study recommended that sensitisation programmes be instituted to change the mind-sets of people towards positive use of technology for quality Open and Distance education delivery.
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