The Efficacy of “POL: PLL & PLR” Method to Enhance Pre-University Students’ Understanding of Buffer Solution

  • Byron MC Michael Kadum Chemistry Unit, Department of Science, Labuan Matriculation College (LMC), OKK Daud Road, 87027 Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia.
Keywords: Pre-lesson learning, Post-lesson reflection, Pre-university chemistry, Buffer solution


The purpose of this classroom research was to see whether the method of Portfolio of Learning (POL): Pre-Lesson Learning & Post-Lesson Reflection (PLL & PLR) could enhance understanding of a chemistry concept, i.e., buffer solution, amongst pre-university students from a local institution located in the Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. The sample was amongst the researcher’s tutorial group students; thirty-four (34) students in total. Initial observation showed that the students were struggling to grasp even the most basic chemistry concepts due to their poor learning strategies/skills. Therefore, this had served as the impetus for this research to be conducted. The group of students was equally divided into two (2) groups; the control group (CG) & the experimental group (EG). The T-Test analysis of the collected data showed a significant difference between the CG’s mean score and the EG’s mean score; t = 4.211, p =0.000216 (p < 0.001). Therefore, the study successfully validated the effectiveness of the proposed method of learning for enhancing the level of understanding of buffer solutions.


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How to Cite
Michael Kadum, B. (2022) “The Efficacy of ‘POL: PLL & PLR’ Method to Enhance Pre-University Students’ Understanding of Buffer Solution”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(2), p. e001311. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v7i2.1311.