Exploring Student’s Readiness and Behavioural Towards Virtual Learning via Microsoft Teams
Implementation of online learning in the era of COVID-19 pandemic has become a global issue and had a major impact on higher education. The Movement Control Order (MCO) carried out in Malaysia has affects many higher institutions. All students especially undergraduate students who just starting their new semester has forced to stay at home while learning activities continue virtually using a various platform such as Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams considered as an excellent collaboration platform complete with useful features to enhance virtual learning environment as well for educational purposes. The main objective of this research is to explore the level of student’s readiness and behaviour towards virtual learning using Microsoft Teams. The study uses a cross-sectional survey consist of 312 undergraduate students at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) from various program of study. Data were collected by using questionnaires to gain information about the students’ perception on their readiness and behaviour towards virtual learning via Microsoft Teams. By using descriptive statistical analysis, this study found that readiness among undergraduate students is at a medium high level, while student behaviour considered at a high-level despite Microsoft Teams platform is regarded as something new for the students. The finding revealed that students easily operate the platform without further training.
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