Class Map: Improving Students’ Skills of Organic Synthesis in Learning Organic Chemistry for Pre-University Students

Keywords: Mnemonic Loci, Organic Chemistry, Action Research, Class Map


This action research uses the Kemmis & Mc Taggart Model (1988) to improve the skills for science stream of pre-university students in organic synthesis topic to convert one functional group to another by using Class Map in learning Organic Chemistry. The objectives of this study were to improve memory skills in conversion of functional groups in an Organic Chemistry reaction and to cultivate students' interest in the subject of Organic Chemistry. A total of six students of 6 Delta 2, SMK Sultan Abu Bakar were involved in this study. Preliminary surveys were conducted through observations, document analysis and interviews. The results of the survey showed that students could not remember the conversion of functional group well because in the Semester Three chemistry syllabus, there are too many chemical reactions, causing students less interested in learning Organic Chemistry. Students were exposed to the Class Map within two months. The test results displayed that (i) students can recall the functional group conversion reaction in an Organic Chemistry and (ii) students can apply the organic reactions learned in answering questions. The findings of the interviews showed that students can cultivate an interest in Organic Chemistry subject.


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How to Cite
Nik Hassan, N. M. H., Talib, O. and Lokman, H. F. (2022) “Class Map: Improving Students’ Skills of Organic Synthesis in Learning Organic Chemistry for Pre-University Students”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(1), pp. 270 - 284. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v7i1.1231.