Teaching Mathematics Based on Graphic Management in Problem Solving Topics
Problem solving is a very important skill in mathematics that students need to master. These skills require logical thinking, deep understanding, mastery of concepts and making connections with existing knowledge. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of graphic management -based mathematics teaching in problem-solving topics. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a case study design involving one study participant. Participants of the study were randomly selected among year 3 students with a moderate level of Mathematics proficiency. To collect data, graphic management of “Four Corners and A Diamond” and semi -structured interview sessions were conducted. Data collection from graphics management was analyzed descriptively and these interviews were analyzed inductively to obtain specific themes based on the transcripts. Findings of the study show that with this graphic management, students can organize information from questions in the form of appropriate graphics and facilitate their understanding. The implication of this study is that students can solve mathematical problems through the arrangement of information correctly based on the graphic management of "Four Corners and A Diamond". This study can also encourage teachers to use graphic management in helping students to solve non-routine mathematics problems more conceptually.
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