The Marketing Communication Strategy of Indonesian Film A Study Case: Laskar Pelangi Film
The purpose of this study is to present the appropriate marketing communication strategy for a film based on the marketing mix and communication mix strategy. Promotion is considered to be the most important sector in film where it is also determined as the first stage to introduce the new release film to the audiences. Therefore, promotions are used by the home production as a tool to provide the film information that aimed to create the public awareness towards the film and decide to watch it in cinema without taking the risk of being unsatisfied. The study will be in the form of a study case taking the well-known Indonesian film “Laskar Pelangi” as the object research. The methods that used are a descriptive qualitative approach through research, observation, and interview with the publicist team of Laskar Pelangi film. The finding shows that PT Miles Films as the home production of Laskar Pelangi using the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) such as advertising, direct marketing, sponsorship marketing, exhibitions, point of sale and merchandising, and Word of Mouth (WOM) by considering its target consumer which is the family and Laskar Pelangi novel’s reader. Furthermore, the company use the Unique Selling Point (USP) in terms of casting, producer, director, and also the moral value of the film affecting to improve the interest and consumer’s desire to watch the film. The overall research documents that for the film industry to perform well, the company needs to define the marketing tools based on the target market.
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