Social Media Influencers and The Dietary Choices Among University Students
This study investigated the attitude and subjective norms of students on Social Media Influencers (SMIs) towards the behavioural intent on their dietary choices in accordance with the Theory of Reasoned Action. Social media influencers as groups of people have had to some extent constructed a reputation for themselves through applying social media platforms to promote oneself. In completing the study, the final year students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) were selected as the respondents. The results of the study showed there is a significant relationship between the subjective norms of students on SMIs with the behavioral intent on their dietary choices. Thus, the study concluded that attitude of students towards the SMIs does not affected their daily dietary choices, however, the subjective norms in the students’ life on the SMIs actually makes a difference in their eating habits. Based on the findings of the study, 97.6% of the students believed that they have healthy dietary choices. This study also shows that, 98.8% of the respondents subscribe to social media influencers on their social media accounts. The findings alone indicated that the students’ live are impacted by them. Furthermore, most of them follow the social media influencers on every social media platform: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Twitter. However, Instagram is the most used social media platform to subscribe to them.
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