A Study on the Laws Governing Facial Recognition Technology and Data Privacy in Malaysia
The advancement of technology in the past decade has led humans to achieve many great things. Among that is facial recognition technology that uses a combination of two techniques which is face detection and recognition that is capable of converting facial images of a person into readable data and connecting it with other data sets which enable it to identify, track or compare it. This study delves into the usage of facial recognition technology in Malaysia where its regulation is almost non-existent. As its usage increases, the invasive features of this technology to collect and connect its data posed a threat to the data privacy of Malaysian citizens. Due to this issue, other countries' laws and policies regarding this technology are examined and compared with Malaysia. This enables the loopholes of the current law and policies to be identified and restructured, which create a clear path on the proper regulations and changes that need to be made. Thus, this study aims to analyse the limitation of law governing data privacy and its concept in Malaysia along with changes that need to be made. This study’s finding shows the shortcoming of Malaysia’s law in governing data privacy especially when it involves complex technology that has great data collection capability like facial recognition.
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