COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Effects on Youth Mental Health in Bangladesh
COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic that is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SAR-CoV-2). For the effect of this pandemic, the people of Bangladesh are suffering from unprecedented challenges of all ages. Coronavirus pandemic has hit the young mental health badly. The main purpose of this research was to investigate the mental health condition among young people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. In this study, a qualitative research method was used where twenty case studies were carried out to evaluate critical situations as well as the determinants of psychological health problems that young adults are facing. Result demonstrates that like other ages, young people are bound to stay at home during lockdown that causes a profound effect on their mental health. Due to COVID-19 young people are going through a variety of critical situations including financial hardship, conflict with family members, quarantine-related crisis, increasing pressure for marriage, extreme addiction to the virtual world, and addiction to different video games that threaten their psychological health, for example increasing suicidal tendency, loneliness, anxiety, depression, psychological trauma, low self-confidence anger, etc. Researchers have suggested some potential recommendations to reduce the psychological pressure of young people during pandemics.
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